
Abingdon Carousel is a charity with limited funds, taking over a centre which the local authority said was too expensive to carry on running. We aim to make those funds stretch as far as possible by inviting the community to help us. Please support your local community by taking part in any way you can, and telling other people about this page.

What our volunteers say:

 “ I feel really passionate about giving something back to the community that supported me as a new parent many years ago.”

 “ I have been so grateful for the training I have received in community development.   I have been most impressed to discover what enormous progress has been made in understanding and tackling discrimination.”

 “Volunteering makes me feel that I am doing something useful for society.”

  “Now that I am retired it is wonderful to be an active part of the world of work.  It keeps me in touch with new ideas and ways of doing things.”


 “I particularly like being involved with Carousel because I love being with young parents and their babies and experiencing  modern approaches to parenting which I find so life-affirming.”


Garden Tidy-Up Days

Our garden is fairly new but still requires leaf-clearing, weeding and a touch of paint every now and then to keep it safe for toddlers.

If you want to be involved next time we have a volunteer work day click on the button below and leave us your details. If you would rather give us a few hours every week to help us run the centre then use the button in the next column.

Register for future volunteer days
General and Ongoing Help
We need volunteers to help us with all kinds of tasks, from fundraising to painting, from administration to reception duties. Your one morning a week could make the difference between us being able to run a play session or a drop-in clinic, or not. 
Register so that we know you are there for us!

Click here to tell us you would like to join our volunteer team
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